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Webpost is a hybrid mail solution with a secure email option. Webpost specialises in providing a secure, user friendly solution for all post.

The term hybrid mail means your letters are delivered using a combination of electronic and physical delivery. Your letters are generated in the same way as normal, on your PC. All that changes for you is the printer you choose. You choose Webpost rather than your physical printer and we do the rest. We take a secure copy of your letter and we then print, fold, insert and hand back to the Royal Mail for delivery. Your patients receive exactly the same service; it is all about cutting the costs and time involved at your end.

Webpost 2 copy

Webpost is the easiest, most time efficient and cheapest way of sending your post. Webpost is cost and time efficient for all volumes of post, whether you send thousands of flu letters or a one off patient specific letter – you will save with Webpost: typically practices save 30p per letter they send!

Introduce secure email and those savings increase tenfold!

Webpost is a fully secure software solution, trusted by many… even NHS England! Webpost has attained Cyber Essentials Plus, ISO (9001/27001), as well as being fully GDPR and IG compliant.

  • Save hours of administrative time.
  • Cut costs substantially.
  • No longer required to host equipment (franking machines, folder inserters).
  • Increase revenue streams for your practice.
  • Make a step towards being fully electronic.
  • No contracts.
  • No minimum volumes.
  • Webpost integrates with all clinical and internal systems.
  • Webpost will perform your installation and training.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Windows 10 compatible.
Case Study:

“We were very keen to implement hybrid mail for the cost and time savings. However the implementation process with the suppliers we investigated would have been quite lengthy and time consuming for my team - up to 3 months to integrate with their template formats, so we put the introduction on hold.

A few months later, our RPA supplier mentioned Webpost and the reviews they’d heard whilst at other organisations. We'd not tested them, but as they're supplier to NHS England, I figured it was worth checking one more supplier. I asked my clinical systems lead to do the same tests of Webpost "this will take only 2 weeks, it's so much easier". A few days later we got the green light from the board, within 2 days our Dermatology service were using it. The wider business had it installed and trained within the predicted 2 weeks.

- The teams no longer had to print letters, stuff envelopes, frank them and wait for the postman.

- IT no longer had to worry about toner orders or broken printers.

All that replaced with File > Print to Webpost:

- Patients no longer got someone else's letter in an envelope stuffing incident.

- Letters also arrived quicker than standard 2nd class post.

They've got some great features too - like:

- Bulk drop folders - batch export letters and drop them all in a hot folder and they'll take care of the rest.

- Send a data file of patients to their NHS email address and a template flu letter and they'll take care of it.

I've seldom had IT projects run so smoothly.”

Mike Perrett – CTO, Dermatology services and multiple GP Surgeries.


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